In order for an affiliate to be rewarded for a sale, the customer must first go through the affiliate’s tracking link. Once clicked, this link will direct the customer to the pre-set landing page. The landing page is configured under the campaign edit page ‘Tracking’.
What if you want to provide your affiliates with multiple tracking links for different landing pages? No problem!
Single Campaign Mode
This option ensures that an affiliate can participate in one campaign only. There are several ways to enable this, depending on your use case.
If you intend to run only one campaign:
You can enable ‘Single Campaign Mode’ on the company level which will automatically enable ‘Single Campaign Mode’ for all newly registered affiliates.
How to enable company level ‘Single Campaign Mode’
- Login as an admin to your Tracknow dashboard and click ‘Settings’ on the main menu
- On the secondary menu, under ‘General’, click ‘Company Settings’
- Scroll down to the ‘Affiliate Settings’ section and toggle on ‘Single campaign mode’ and select your one campaign
- Do not forget to click ‘Save’

If you intend to run several campaigns simultaneously but each affiliate will participate in only one of them:
You can create a unique affiliate registration URL for each campaign that will automatically enable ‘Single Campaign Mode’ for affiliates who registered via that URL, that way you can create a unique URL for each campaign and share the relevant link with each potential affiliate.
How to enable ‘Single Campaign Mode’ with a unique registration link
- Login as an admin to your Tracknow dashboard and click ‘Campaigns/Offers’ on the main menu
- On the campaigns list, find the campaign for which you want to create a unique registration URL and click the 3 dots icon under the ‘Actions’ column
- On the pop-up menu click ‘Campaign Registration URL’
- Copy the unique registration link from the pop-up window

You can enable ‘Single Campaign Mode’ manually for each affiliate on the affiliate’s manage page after they register.
How to enable ‘Single Campaign Mode’ for a specific affiliate
- Login as an admin to your Tracknow dashboard, expand the ‘Affilaites’ menu
- Click ‘Affiliate Management’
- Find the relevant affiliate in the list of affiliates and click its name to enter the manage page
- On the manage page’s secondary menu, click ‘Payout Groups’
- Toggle on ‘Single Campaign Mode’
- Click to activate ‘Single Campaign Mode’ on the campaign row

Once ‘Single Campaign Mode’ has been enabled for an affiliate he’ll be able to view his default tracking link directly on his dashboard. This default tracking link will direct customers to the landing page you set in the ‘Tracking’ page when editing a campaign.
Next, we’ll learn how to add additional landing pages.
Adding landing pages as creatives
Each campaign has a ‘Creatives’ section where you can add all sorts of creatives for your affiliates (Links, banners, videos).
Let’s add a landing page as a ‘Link’ type creative:
- Login as an admin to your Tracknow dashboard and click ‘Campaigns/Offers’ on the main menu
- On the campaigns list, find the relevant campaign and click the 3 dots icon under the ‘Actions’ column
- On the pop-up menu click ‘Creatives’
- Scroll down to the ‘Creatives’ section and click ‘Add New’
- Fill out the relevant fields. Since we’re adding a landing page, the ‘Type’ should be ‘Link’ and since we also want to add a tracking link for this landing page directly on the affiliate’s dashboard we’ll toggle on ‘Add to Dashboard’.