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Postback/Tracking Parameters

Click ‘here’ for additional information about ‘Tracking‘ and for a comprehensive tutorial on how to add postback tracking parameters.

When you include a tracking pixel on your welcome page, Tracknow tracks the following parameters:

* click_idUnique click_id. A unique id for each click sent from the affiliate URL. (Not Mandatory)
** ref_idA unique affiliate id as displayed in tracknow system. (Not Mandatory)
ref_custom_idA unique affiliate id custom parameter as displayed in tracknow system. (Not Mandatory)
amountThe total value of the transaction order before any deductions, such as commissions or fees. This amount serves as the base for calculating commissions unless the commission is forwarded, in which case the commission itself becomes the basis for calculation.
commissionThe commission is calculated based on the transaction order amount. However, if the commission is forwarded, it will be calculated based on the commission itself rather than the order amount.
order_idA unique order identifier.
goalYou should forward your payout goal.
couponFor offline coupon tracking, you can forward a coupon code
and reward your affiliate with a commission.
commentAny comments you want to display to your affiliate
new_customerNot required; required for Lifetime Payment Type
customer_idNot required; required for Lifetime Payment Type
***skip_lifetimeNot required; record the customer_id even if there is no Lifetime Payout.
custom1custom1 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate)
custom2custom2 – you can forward any value (not visible to affiliate)
custom3custom3 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate)
custom4custom4 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate)
custom5custom5 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate)
custom6custom6 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate)
custom7custom7 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate)
custom8custom8 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate)
sub1sub1 – you can forward any value (overwrite affiliate sub1 & visible to the affiliate)
sub2sub2 – you can forward any value (overwrite affiliate sub2 & visible to the affiliate)
sub3sub3 – you can forward any value (overwrite affiliate sub3 & visible to the affiliate)
sub4sub4 – you can forward any value (overwrite affiliate sub4 & visible to the affiliate)
sub5sub5 – you can forward any value (overwrite affiliate sub5 & visible to the affiliate)
sub6sub6 – you can forward any value (overwrite affiliate sub6 & visible to the affiliate)
sub7sub7 – you can forward any value (overwrite affiliate sub7 & visible to the affiliate)
sub8sub8 – you can forward any value (overwrite affiliate sub8 & visible to the affiliate)
gaidGoogle Advertising ID
idfaIDFA is a random device identifier assigned by Apple to a user’s iOS device
emailUse of email is optional for lead-related activities.
phoneUse of phone is optional for lead-related activities.
first_nameUse of first name is optional for lead-related activities.
last_nameUse of last name is optional for lead-related activities.
addressUse of address is optional for lead-related activities.
post_codeUse of post_code is optional for lead-related activities.
mlmSend ‘mlm=fixed’ when you want to apply a fixed MLM commission on the conversion.
countryISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
currencyUse the currency option when sending a different currency from your account’s default, such as EUR. We will manage the symbol conversion for you.
conversion_rateUse conversion_rate when you want to apply your own conversion rate. If conversion_rate is not provided, we will use our own rate.
campaign pixel parameters

* click_id: It must be forwarded exclusively to the tracknow pixel using the postback endpoint. This identifier encompasses both the affiliate and campaign details.

** ref_id: Instead of click_id, this should be forwarded to credit the affiliate based on their ID as displayed in the tracknow system.

*** skip_lifetime: To record a lifetime assignment of a customer, a lifetime payout is required. If there is no lifetime payout but you still want to assign the customer to an affiliate and record the client, include skip_lifetime=true in the postback URL.

Integrating Parameters into the Tracking Pixel

Step 1: Access the Tracking Pixel

  • Navigate to your Dashboard and click on ‘Campaigns.’
  • To create a new campaign, click the ‘Add campaign‘ button on the right or click on an existing campaign. 
  • Click on the ‘Tracking‘ section and scroll down to ‘Conversion Tracking Setup‘.

Step 2: Choose the Integration Method

  • Review the available integration options: Server-to-Server (S2S)Image PixelJavaScript Pixel, or iFrame Pixel.

Step 3: Add the parameters to the ‘Conversion Tracking Setup’

For Example:


Lifetime Payment Type Example

https://yourworkspace-tracking.tracknow.info/success.jpg?campaign_id=1&order_id=[order_id]&amount=[amount]&new_customer=[1/0]&customer_id=[customer identifier]

If you have any issues integrating a tracking pixel, please contact the ‘Tracknow’ Support Team by clicking ‘here‘, we will do our best to answer all of your inquiries.

Updated on February 23, 2025

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