Click ‘here’ for additional information about ‘Tracking‘ and for a comprehensive tutorial on how to add postback tracking parameters.
When you include a tracking pixel on your welcome page, Tracknow tracks the following parameters:
Parameter | Description |
* click_id | Unique click_id. A unique id for each click sent from the affiliate URL. (Not Mandatory) |
** ref_id | A unique affiliate id as displayed in tracknow system. (Not Mandatory) |
ref_custom_id | A unique affiliate id custom parameter as displayed in tracknow system. (Not Mandatory) |
amount | Transaction order amount. |
order_id | A unique order identifier. |
goal | You should forward your payout goal. |
coupon | For offline coupon tracking, you can forward a coupon code and reward your affiliate with a commission. |
comment | Any comments you want to display to your affiliate |
new_customer | Not required; required for Lifetime Payment Type |
customer_id | Not required; required for Lifetime Payment Type |
***skip_lifetime | Not required; record the customer_id even if there is no Lifetime Payout. |
custom1 | custom1 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate) |
custom2 | custom2 – you can forward any value (not visible to affiliate) |
custom3 | custom3 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate) |
custom4 | custom4 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate) |
custom5 | custom5 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate) |
custom6 | custom6 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate) |
custom7 | custom7 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate) |
custom8 | custom8 – you can forward any value (not visible to the affiliate) |
Use of email is optional for lead-related activities. | |
phone | Use of phone is optional for lead-related activities. |
first_name | Use of first name is optional for lead-related activities. |
last_name | Use of last name is optional for lead-related activities. |
address | Use of address is optional for lead-related activities. |
post_code | Use of post_code is optional for lead-related activities. |
mlm | Send ‘mlm=fixed’ when you want to apply a fixed MLM commission on the conversion. |
country | ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code. |
currency | Use the currency option when sending a different currency from your account’s default, such as EUR. We will manage the symbol conversion for you. |
conversion_rate | Use conversion_rate when you want to apply your own conversion rate. If conversion_rate is not provided, we will use our own rate. |
* click_id: It must be forwarded exclusively to the tracknow pixel using the postback endpoint. This identifier encompasses both the affiliate and campaign details.
** ref_id: Instead of click_id, this should be forwarded to credit the affiliate based on their ID as displayed in the tracknow system.
*** skip_lifetime: To record a lifetime assignment of a customer, a lifetime payout is required. If there is no lifetime payout but you still want to assign the customer to an affiliate and record the client, include skip_lifetime=true in the postback URL.
Integrating Parameters into the Tracking Pixel
Step 1: Access the Tracking Pixel
- Navigate to your Dashboard and click on ‘Campaigns.’
- To create a new campaign, click the ‘Add campaign‘ button on the right or click on an existing campaign.
- Click on the ‘Tracking‘ section and scroll down to ‘Conversion Tracking Setup‘.
Step 2: Choose the Integration Method
- Review the available integration options: Server-to-Server (S2S), Image Pixel, JavaScript Pixel, or iFrame Pixel.
Step 3: Add the parameters to the ‘Conversion Tracking Setup’
For Example:[order_id]&amount=[amount]
Lifetime Payment Type Example[order_id]&amount=[amount]&new_customer=[1/0]&customer_id=[customer identifier]
If you have any issues integrating a tracking pixel, please contact the ‘Tracknow’ Support Team by clicking ‘here‘, we will do our best to answer all of your inquiries.