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Multi Level Marketing (MLM)

In Tracknow we have developed the possibility of having an advanced MLM structure enabled.

Multi-level Marketing, also known as MLM or network marketing, is a marketing strategy that allows affiliates to build a network of other affiliates.

This network structure enables affiliates to earn not only from their own sales but also from the sales generated by their sub-affiliates.
By enabling MLM in your account, you open up opportunities to expand your affiliate network and increase your earnings potential.

Within our Tracknow Multi-level Marketing system, you can establish parent/child relationships between affiliates.
The MLM setup on Tracknow supports six levels, allowing for a parent affiliate (level 1) and their sub-affiliates (level 2), extending through subsequent levels.

To activate Multi Level Marketing (MLM) feature in your account, please go to ‘Settings’ and select ‘Multi Level Marketing (MLM)’.

On the MLM screen, you can configure your desired MLM rewards structure.

In Tracknow we support 4 MLM Types:

Commission based – based on percentage node affiliate commission (%);

*Node – “node” is simply a person who is part of the MLM network. This person can recruit others, who then also become nodes connected to them. Think of it like a tree, where each person is a branch that can grow more branches (people they recruit) below them.

Example of calculation:

Sarah earns 10% of John’s sales. If John sells $1000 worth of products, Sarah gets $100.

Fixed Commission – based on fixed commission (Fixed);

Example of calculation:

Sarah earns a fixed $50 for every sale John makes, no matter the sale amount.

Amount based – Based on sale amount (%);

Example of calculation:

Sarah gets 5% of the total sales amount John generates. If John sells $1000, Sarah earns $50.

Relative commission – Based on % of the generated referrer commission.

Example of calculation:

Sarah earns a percentage of the commission John earns. If John makes $100 in commission, and the relative rate is 20%, Sarah gets $20.

Additionally, you have the option to enable MLM individually for each affiliate, allowing MLM to be applied only to selected affiliates.

When managing affiliates, the Admin has access to a visual representation of the MLM structure, provided in the form of a tree diagram:

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