Introducing Tracknow: The First Steps – Settings Welcome to Tracknow! In this guide, we will walk you through the initial steps of setting up your account. To...
What exactly is Affiliate Marketing? Affiliate marketing is a sales strategy that enables companies to boost their website traffic and sales by providing commissions to...
Adding an Advertiser Before adding an advertiser you must add a ‘Traffic Source‘. Click ‘here’ for additional information about ‘Traffic Sources‘ and learn...
Adding a Manager To manage or add a ‘Manager‘ to your affiliate platform, select ‘Settings‘ and then click on the ‘User Management‘ tab....
Create a Campaign If you’ve arrived here, you’re ready to launch your first campaign! If you haven’t signed up, what are you waiting...
Multi Level Marketing (MLM) In Tracknow we have developed the possibility of having an advanced MLM structure enabled. Multi-level Marketing, also known as MLM...